We left the anchorage at Las Brisas, Panama on 17th May and arrived at the island of Nuku Hiva on 23rd June after 35 days at sea. It’s almost 4000 miles from Panama. There was a lot of floating debris in the waters off Panama, some of them as big as trees! I spotted a row of 4 pelicans sitting on a log!
We had hardly any wind at first and got becalmed off the north coast of the Galapagos islands. The sails had been slatting and the foresail seam came undone so we had to change sails and repair the ripped one. However, when we opened up the sail bag we found that the small, 70%, genoa had been attacked by mice or moths and had holes in it, so we had to patch them with tape. Doesn’t look too bad as they are all in a row!
We have seen some dramatic sunsets and sunrises.
An amazing cloud formation at sunset |
A beautiful sunrise |
Just off the Galapagos there were some very strange ripples on the water we guessed it was where strong currents met. The water almost looked as if it was boiling!
The Asymetric up |
We put up the Asymetric sail when the winds were light. Though when they strengthen it is the devil to get down! Had to put some sail tape on this one too as the seams were coming apart. When there was wind it wasn’t too strong, about a force 4-5, but if it came from a different direction to the swell, it caused huge cross swells which resulted in a sort of screwy, really uncomfortable motion. Sometimes from three different directions! It really makes me feel queasy. The last couple of days we motored as the sea was actually quite calm round the islands.
At one point the engine died as the fuel tank was low and so Jim had to pump some fuel across from the other tank and bleed the engine plugs to get it started again. We had a leak in the hydraulic steering system so had to top up the levels – not an easy task when the boat is pitching and rolling!
The boom support crashed onto the deck as the holding pin had become dislodged so we had to put a new split pin in it.
A Booby bird decided that the mizzen masthead was a good place to perch one night and left us presents on deck when he flew off the next morning.
Another larger bird, a bit like an albatross, landed on the pilot house roof one evening and stayed until he was booted unceremoniously off at a sail change! Had to scrub the decks to clean the mess he left too!
We saw pilot whales, which are black and about 12 ft long, a whole group of them lollopped slowly past the bow. Totally disinterested in the boat and us!
Our first encounter with dolphins was amazing – and very sad too! There was a huge pod of them leaping and diving, smacking the water really hard. As we got closer we saw why! There was some sort of large, silvery parasites on most of them which obviously irritated them and they were trying to break them free by their frenetic jumping and leaping.
A very pretty fish, about 2 feet long, stayed with us one day. We think it might have been a barracuda. It’s back was vivid blue and the fin tips and tail were yellowish.
We also saw the blow-spout of a whale about a mile or so off and then just by it, quite suddenly, a dolphin flew up into the air. Whether it was thrown or leapt we can’t be sure. Maybe the whale was chasing it or was playing with it before it killed it. It was some distance away.
Just as we approached the point at which were about to cross the equator we came across several groups of fishermen in small, colourful boats with fishing lines strung out across our bow. They came charging up to warn us and had huge swordfish on board.
We did get a line caught round the keel and they just cut the line. Not at all as worried as we were! They seemed very pleased to have helped and wanted us to buy some of the fish….. yukk. So we tossed some beers across. Another fishing boat saw that something was going on and quickly motored over and so we gave them a pack of cigarettes and they were well pleased!
We’ve been trying to conserve water and have been washing-up in sea water and even cooking with it in small amounts. But…. there is a natural rain-catcher on board. The mainsail is on an in-boom reefing system and the rain-water pours out of it where it meets the mast. A bucket tied under this fills up in no time!
Goose necked barnacles on the waterline caption |
When we arrived here we found that there were ‘goose-necked barnacles’ growing all around the water line. Jim had cleaned the hull before we left Panama, to avoid drag, so they must have attached themselves en route. It was hard work scraping them off but he’s done a great job.
There are sharks in the harbour too!
Can you see the shark's fin? |
Not big ones but definitely sharks. One of the boats we met in Shelter Bay is here and invited us over for drinks and nibbles the other evening and on the way I saw a shark about 5ft long leap out of the water right by one of the boats at anchor! Scarey… see the fin!!
The dinghy dock here requires a real leap of faith! It’s a solid concrete wall with four or five rungs screwed in it, depending on the height of the tide, going vertically with nothing to hold on to at the top!
Elle Bo on the hook at Nuku Hiva